Adapter for Raspberry Pi Zero

Small TFT displays for Raspberry PI Zero
DISPLAY VISIONS is offering a cost-effective adapter board for the Raspberry Pi Zero. This allows for the use of 1.5 to 3.5 inch TFT displays as screens for the popular single-board computer.
The Raspberry Pi Zero miniature computer is even better to use with a small TFT display. DISPLAY VISIONS is therefore offering an adapter which is plugged into the GPIO connector on the Raspberry Zero.  Full use can be made of the optional touch function on these displays (TFT015, TFT020, TFT028 and TFT035 series). A corre-sponding Raspberry code to operate the displays as a screen for any application is available to download free of charge.

The adapter board for the display measures just 51.6 x 17 mm and is divisible. This means that the display can be mounted in a remote position for especially compact applications. The connection is established using a flexible FPC cable in the desired length. Due to their low energy consumption, the TFT displays for the Raspberry Pi Zero can also be operated in low power mode.


Read more: Displays for Raspberry Pi