Looking for a display with 2 or 3 lines and about 15-20 char and RS-232

I would like to have more information about your EA KIT240-7. I am also looking for a display unit (probably LCD) that can display 2 or 3 lines and about 15 to 20 characters in each line. This unit should be about 3 to 4cmx10 to 15cm , it should work in dark conditions and I want to control it via an RS-232.
If it’s possible please e-mail me this information and also send me the price of these units.

An English data sheet for the EA KIT240-7 is available for download here (pdf, 1.113KB). A German one is available here.
If you are looking for a character LCD with an RS-232 interface, there are many different LCD units that could suit. Here is an overview.

« C O N T A C T


+49 (0) 8105 / 77 80 90

+49 (0) 8105 / 77 80 99
