Super-compact LCD module for alphanumeric displays
Industrial display specialist ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY introduces a new extremely compact, yet versatile display unit with the EA DIPS082-HN (data sheet). Measuring only 40 x 20 mm, the dot matrix module can display up to eight numbers, letters, or symbols per line. A single-line version is also available as is one with LED background illumination.
LCD supertwist display technology guarantees high contrast. The base version displays information in dark blue against a neutral background. When ordered with the optional LED background illumination, this information appears in black against a yellow/green background. The integrated display controller is HD-44780 compatible. 192 characters (ASCII, Japanese, and Greek characters) are already supported by the ROM and users can define up to eight additional characters if they so choose.
The display can be operated using a single +5-volt power supply as well as a +/- 2.7-volt or +/- 3.3-volt supply. Connection occurs via a 4 or 8-bit data bus with RS, R/W, and E control lines. Power consumption is 2mA; the version with LED background illumination typically requires 50mA. Assembly is not required, since the display units can be easily soldered directly to the circuit board. Their operating temperature range of -20 °C to +70 °C allows the units to be used in many industrial applications.