We all were waiting for it: an extreme compact graphic LCD for direct pcb mounting. With a viewing area of 61x38mm and outline dimensions 75x45,8mm there's much space for graphic output. But what is an effective display with a bad contrast good for ? EA DIP128-6N5LW shows the power of modern display technology. A blue display with non-reached brightness for an operating temperature range of -20~+70°C. A external temperature compensation circuit is not required. Power supply is singe 5V with max. 100mA; that's less than ½ Watt ! The range of application is varied: handheld measurement, automobile application, laboratory and housing technical service - everywhere people do need a compact and power saving display. Optionally display is featured with a resistive touch panel.
Mass poduction for this module enables low price and high quality standard. 1000 pcs. are 19.70 EUR only, inclusive blue backlight, single supply and built-in temperature compensation. By the way there are some other modules from same series. 4 differtent character displays (1x8, 2x8, 2x16 and 4x20) and a small 122x32 graphic display.
Helpful link: Graphic modules, other DIP modules, Data Sheet: 128x64 EA DIP128-6N5LW (570kB)
March, 31st. 2003 Ralph Tischer