Industrial Embedded displays with an integrated controller, high quality, long availability and long life, the perfect solution for all industries
An Industrial embedded display is a display with an integrated controller. This is mostly used from the control unit or for complex functions. So on the Industrial display there is already a more or less freely programmable controller or at least one controller with built-in (= embedded) functions. Industrial Embedded displays are easy to use because they no longer require an additional graphics controller or memory. Graphics functions are integrated and can be used immediately. All power supplies are generated onboard. The “embedded” idea makes it extremely easy for users to integrate a display.
Some Industrial embedded displays are supplied with a touch panel (PCAP or resistive) and can therefore accept inputs. They can thus be used as a ready-made HMI (human-machine interface) (also called a Industrial smart display).
Industrial Embdedded displays are e.g. the EA eDIP Industrial displays and the EA uniTFT Industrial displays. These can be bought directly in the webshop.