All colors, many sizes: display family with versatile backlight colors
All colors of the RGB spectrum can be used in background illumination modules for the LCDs of ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY’s DOG line. This line of products for industrial applications encompasses 5 graphics displays and 3 text displays, which can be combined with up to 7 background illumination modules. An RGB background illumination module makes it possible to set any shade of color (including white) by mixing the primary colors red, green and blue.
The 5 graphics displays of the DOG line offer a resolution of 102x64 to 160x104 pixels. The 3 text displays can show 2 or 3 lines of text at 16 characters per line, or a single line with up to 8 characters. An especially unique feature of this product line is that the display is functionally separated from the background illumination module used. Display and illumination modules can be combined in a variety of ways to accommodate almost every design requirement. Modules are also available in white, yellow/green, blue, red and amber in addition to the RGB illumination module and its rainbow of colors offered.
Communication with the outside world takes place via a fast SPI interface with a processing speed of up to 20MHz. Windows -compatible simulation software that can be downloaded from the website free of charge allows users to conveniently create and test how information should be displayed. A test board is also available for connecting to the USB port of a PC, and additional character sets are offered on a data medium. Analog touch panels can likewise be ordered for the graphics displays.
Designed to be installed in all types of machine, device and system, the displays are very flat and are not thicker than 6.5 millimeters with the illumination unit or 2 millimeters without. The display units can also be used in battery-powered and mobile devices thanks to their low energy consumption. A further highlight of the DOG displays is the ease with which they are integrated in the production process, since they can be soldered directly to the circuit board without any additional assembly.
The DOG displays come with a single voltage source of 3. 3V, while the text displays run with a 3.3V or 5V source. Capable of operating from -20 to +70 °C, the display modules can be used in the majority of industrial application environments. Large and small orders of 1 or more units can be placed for the DOG series from ELECTRONIC ASSEMBLY.