112 Different Functions !
The world-first displays with built-in intelligence arrived now ! With 8 of their built-in fonts and more than 112 graphic routines are giving you a taste of graphics programming of tomorrow. From now on you do not need to be a computer programmer to make alive all abilities of a modern graphic LCD. With this new display it is easy to use various character sets, draw a line, show a bitmap, place a bargraph and use the pull-down-menu function, for example.Interface is easy by using one of 3 built-in serial communication ports: RS-232, SPI and I²C-bus. Power supply is +5V only. Displays are available in blue-white and black&white FSTN technology. They are all good for an operting temperature range of -20..+70°C; temperature compensation inclusive.
Optionally EA eDIP240-7 displays are available with analogue touch panel. Even tough touch controller and software is built-in already, price adder is only 10.- EUR. Together with touch panel there can be done inputs, screen updates, adjustment of analogue parameters, open menu or transmit data via serial interface. Thereby operator is able to control external equipment elegantly. Thanks to the on-board EEPROM macros and pictures can be stored or built-in fonts can be changed and extended.
These displays provide a resolution of 240x128 dots with a screen area of 4.5" (96x61mm). With it's 113x70x10.8mm outline dimensions it's construction is very compact. Mounting is very easy and cost-saving because of direct assembly into pcb. All EMV requirements are fulfilled easyly.
A complete development tool with included simulator is available on internet for free. Functionality is demonstrated very quick and it is helpfull for development later on, too.
Helpful link: EA eDIP240-7, Data Sheet: EA eDIP240-7, Compiler, Simulator: setup electronic assembly tools.zip
December, 7th. 2004 Ralph Tischer